For Professionals

Good health, including oral health, allows individuals and communities to live full lives, free from the burden of disease. Many professionals have the opportunity to promote better oral health and general health as part of their role. DHSV is pleased to offer a range of oral health resources to support this.

Good oral health is vital for wellbeing at all ages. Here is some information that can assist carers and service providers to improve oral health of older people in their care.

Aged care workers

Resources for Aboriginal health and support workers to promote good oral health to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

Aboriginal Health Workers

Resources and information relating to the links between oral diseases and diabetes. Diabetes educators can help their clients to maintain better health by developing greater awareness of these links.

Diabetes educators


Disability support workers

Oral health resources for early childhood educators to promote good dental health for children

Early childhood

Educators – primary and secondary

GPs & practice team

Health promotion officers

The Maternal and Child Health Service plays a critical role in promoting healthy outcomes for children, including oral health.

Maternal and Child Health Nurses


Oral health professionals

Information for Pharmacists to support better oral health in the community through advice, products and referral for oral health conditions.


School nurses

Information for Health Professional to refer patients to the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne


Commonly Asked Questions about the VGDS – For Private Providers

Dental Health Services Victoria provides emergency, general, denture and specialist dental care to all eligible Victorians. Public dental services are provided by dentists, oral health therapists, oral health educators and dental assistants.

Oral Health Resources